Monday, October 14, 2013

Delaware NORML Adopt a Highway

Delaware NORML has adopted Veale Rd. from Marsh Rd. to Harvey Rd. Our first cleaning will be Saturday November 2nd at 8 am. Please join us at our next meeting Oct. 22nd at 7:30 pm for more information and sign up, or email

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Through Wilmington's Adopt-a-Block program, Delaware NORML adopted the 900 block of Kirkwood Street on the Eastside of Wilmington, DE. Kirkwood Street has a five vacant, boarded properties in a row.  Our first project was Saturday, September 28th.  Ten friends showed up to help us sweep the street and paint the wood on the vacant properties.  A big thanks to all who participated.  The neighborhood appreciated our efforts and we showed them that not all pot smokers are lazy ne'er-do-wells!